
Sunday, September 10, 2006

Is it all about the Middle east? What about other Latin countries? Why not in the front page?

I am tired of many news stations putting more effort in Middle East conflicts, what about other countries like South America, Central America, and Cuba? I have met so many people that do not even know were Bolivia is or that they know of issues in other countries beside the Middle East. I metioned this article I read to a few students of Fidel Castro illness and the only information they come up with is oh yeah, he is the president of Cuba and......but no comment aside that he was the president. I realized that many students are not informed of other countries like Cuba. So, I asked myself why can't we read of news like this in the front page? Why are many Cubans in Miami more concerned on this news of Fidel Castro? The reason I ask this is because I happen to read on the illness of Fidel Castro, who is president of Cuba. He is currently 80 years olds and has been hospitalized for surgery. Since many of the citizens of Cuba have not seen the president come out in public have started to believe that he has died and celebrate the end of his ruling in Cuba. Although, his seat has been passed on to his brother Raul Castro to act as the president until he gets better.

One of the many questions Cubans ask is will it stay Communist or become Democratic? In my opinion, I feel that it is time for a change for Cuba, but a slow change would be better for Cuba in order to not have conflicts. Creating conflicts within each group due to the hatred built within each political view. As Fidel Castro sister Juanita, states that all Cubans should stop the hate in order to achieve a better life for all Cubans in Cuba, and to stop demonstrating celebrations of Fidel Castro illness. Demonstrations that will only create conflicts and more hate with the opposing political parties. I think that she is right and adds more fuel to the opposing side in having revolutions against those who want democracy. All because many believe that Fidel Castro is the only one that holds Cuba together and not letting US interfere with Cuba.

Now this should be put in front page newspaper or talked about in Television but the only way you find about issues like this is through other outside sources like BBC, Financial times and other newspaper article outside the US. In my opinion it will be a hot issue that will be very controversial between Cubans. Letting many people see outside of the box and learn more about other countries outside what is a hot topic or what your professor tells you to learn. It will also show Californians to learn more about other Latinos/as exist outside of Mexico. It will teach all those who think that we are all the same as Mexicans or all brown skin people come from Mexico. I guess I am tired of explaining to people that all Hispanics are not the same and all come from different Hispanic cultures and traditions.


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